Friday, April 21, 2006

Lost Wallet and Releases

I lost my wallet nearly three weeks ago. My gut said it was in the house. This morning I decided to do a detailed search. The process reminded me of launching and tuning a new business where you have an idea where the money is, but you have to try a bunch of places to figure out what really works.

V1, I opened the drawers that my wife normally sticks the stuff I leave out in. Third time I checked these. Nada.

V2, I shuffled through my closet, removing all clothes in hope that it had fallen out. No luck.

V3. I go through the bathrooms. Nothing.

V4, I pick through the mail stack and desk. Not there.

V5, my daughters bedroom. Not in her top drawer, not under her dresser. Plop down on my knees to look under her bed and there it is. All my credit cards and cash. Whooooo. I'm very happy to find it.

When I came into the garage this morning, I held up my wallet to Jay and Paul and said, look what I found with a big smile. I can't wait for this to happen with Hubpages.

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